Why This Jason Statham Movie’s Trailer Was Banned in the UK

Jason Statham, known for his dangerous roles has starred in many action thriller movies. However, one film has its trailer banned in the UK.

The Fast & Furious star Jason Statham, known for playing the villainous Deckard Shaw, has taken many lead roles as the ultimate intimidating tough guy. From the recent movie The Beekeeper to the classic Expendablesfranchise, Statham is the image of an anti-hero to many. Fans who are familiar with Statham’s catalog know that starring as the lead in R-rated action thrillers is right up the actor’s alley, and one film had its trailer banned in the UK after its screening due to having “a stream of violent imagery.”
Statham starred as the morally questionable anti-hero Arthur Bishop, who is a highly skilled assassin in The Mechanic. The film has played an important role in his career — Bishop was one of the first lead action roles Statham took in a movie with franchise potential. Directed by Simon West, the action thriller The Mechanictakes a deep dive into the world of assassins through the eyes of Bishop, who never mixes business with personal affairs. However, things are bound to change when he’s ordered to kill his mentor.
Revolving around the business of killing, The Mechanic takes a modern approach to the remake of the 1972 classic action thriller of the same name. The film follows Arthur Bishop, an assassin known as “the Mechanic,” whose genius lies in styling his “hits” to look like accidents or suicides. After completing an assignment to kill his mentor, Harry McKenna, played by The Hunger Games actor Donald Sutherland, Bishop takes on the responsibility of training Harry’s son, Steve McKenna (Ben Foster). While they form a bond over their mutual love and talent for subtle murder, Bishop begins to realize that his employer, Dean (Tony Goldwyn), has tricked him into killing Harry to cover his own shady actions.
Dean orders the hits on both Bishop and Steve, but both hits fall through. Steve realizes that his mentor is the hitman behind his father’s murder and plots his revenge by blowing up Bishop’s truck with Bishop seemingly inside and stealing his car. After surviving the explosion, Bishop makes an attempt on Steve’s life. Learned from the best, his student also manages to escape the hit.

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