Prince William’s Net Worth: How Much the Future King Is Worth

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As/ one could probably imagine, it pays to be royal. The royal family have some seriously high net worths, and Prince William’s net worth is one of the highest. He’s reportedly worth about over $1 billion in the wake of Queen Elizabeth II’s death, a massive increase from his previous net worth of about $40 million. Although the anti-royal citizens of the UK usually complain about how much the royal family costs taxpayers, that’s not where the bulk of William’s money comes from. Sure, taxpayers fund his royal travel and such, but as with Prince Harry, most of Prince William’s wealth comes from private family sources.

Major deaths in the royal family are how the bulk of William’s money came to him, thanks to hefty inheritances. We’re betting William would trade those millions to have gotten to spend more time with his mom, Prince Diana, though.

Aside from inheritances, William also gets money from his father, Prince Charles, like a true millennial. And let’s not forget that he once worked for a living. OK, he didn’t work for his actual living, as his Army salary likely was a drop in the bucket, but he did have a job for several years.

When his dad, King Charles, ascended to the throne, William took his spot as the Prince of Wales, and that comes with a hefty income. From there, when William becomes king, he’ll be worth even more — billions more, to be exact. Here’s a breakdown of what William has right now and what he stands to make in the future.

Princess Diana Left William a Hefty Chunk of Change

Princess Diana left William a Hefty Chunk of Change

Upon her death in 1997, Princess Diana’s will stipulated that William and Harry would have access to Diana’s estate trust when they turned 30. The brothers were to split it evenly, with William getting his portion in 2012 and Harry getting his in 2014. When William inherited the money from the trust, his portion was about $12.3 million.

William Also Got Some of Diana's Jewelry

William Also Got Some of Diana’s Jewelry

Princess Diana’s will also said that 75% of her jewelry collection was to be split between William and Harry. The remaining 25% was to be split among her 17 godchildren, although Diana’s family — minus Harry and William — has made it hard for those godchildren to access the jewels. Instead, they said each child could get only one memento of Diana’s family’s choosing.

William Proposed With His Mother's Ring

William Proposed With His Mother’s Ring

One of the pieces of jewelry that came from Princess Diana was her sapphire engagement ring, which Harry gave to William so he could propose to Kate Middleton in 2010. It’s now reportedly worth $500,000, adding a nice half a million to the Cambridge family’s net worth. When Prince Harry proposed to Meghan Markle, he also did so with diamonds from his mom’s collection.

Diana Also Set Up a Discretionary Fund

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