Royal expert says the public’s need for Kate’s surgery details could be considered “bullying”

Exactly what Kate’s abdominal surgery was about has not been revealed. The Princess of Wales decided to keep details about her abdominal surgery private, but still, the public wanted to know more about their beloved princess.
Still, the fact that people want more from Kate regarding revealing her health issue has left a royal expert concerned. Richard Eden appeared on the show Palace Confidential and came to Kate Middleton’s defense. He even said that the public has written letters to The Times and written them online to ask for more information.He even said that pressuring Kate into giving updates could come across as “bullying.”“I think that there’s no reason why she should she feel bullied into giving more details,” Eden said. “If she wants to, at a later point, fine, that’s up to her. But, she shouldn’t feel that she has to.”

Eden continued speaking about the comments from the public, saying, “It’s been ‘She should give more details,’ and ‘Why doesn’t she?’”

“And there’s been more pressure, there’s even been letters written to The Times newspaper, saying it would be a great example to other women if she was to be more open about her medical problems and this sort of thing.”

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