A Mother Gave Birth at 66: Here’s a Glimpse into Their Lives Now

You will always cherish the memories of becoming a parent. You’ve welcomed a special little person into the world who needs you. It’s your duty to provide them with the best environment possible and support them as they pursue their goals.

In 2005, Adriana Iliescu gave birth to her first child at the age of sixty-six, drawing widespread media attention.

Adriana was ecstatic when her daughter, Eliza, was born.

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Seventeen years later, the elderly mother is back in the spotlight due to some highly publicized new photos of her daughter.

There are days that can change a person’s life completely. Every parent will agree that the moment you welcome your child is indescribable.

The nicest feeling in the world is seeing that adorable child look up at you for the first time.

Some people are immortalized in history books from the moment of birth.

Eliza Iliescu experienced this when she was born in Romania in 2005. Her mother made history because of her.

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At 66, Adriana Iliescu became the world’s oldest mother. Eliza’s birth made headlines, earning Adriana a place in the Guinness Book of World Records.

In 2010, Adriana spoke about her experiences and opened up about parenthood, addressing the harsh criticism she received for becoming a mother at an older age.

“The mirror is unkind to women, but in terms of energy, I feel young. I feel like I’m 27, and when I feel a bit tired, I feel like I’m 37. I am healthier than women half my age.”

“People think they’re funny when they call me granny, but I didn’t have Eliza to look younger. I never feel my years.”

At 71, Adriana disclosed to a British newspaper that she intended to have another child.

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Medically, it’s possible,” she said. ”I understand trials are ongoing with a 70-year-old woman in England, so it could be done. I’m healthy and think it’s possible to have another child, but I’m not in a rush.”

Like most mothers and daughters, Adriana and Eliza have grown close over time. Eliza is a bright, funny, and incredibly happy young girl.

Although many people have opinions about Adriana’s age, she insists she is an excellent mother who cares for Eliza in every way.

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I don’t smoke or drink. If I live as long as my parents did, Eliza will be 20 by the time I pass away. I believe I still have much to give her.”

Adriana did not choose to have children at such a late age. As a young bride, she had to have an abortion for medical reasons, and her husband left her when she was 24.

Adriana then focused on her career as a university professor in Romania.

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I couldn’t think about having a child while working.”

“But by the age of 37, after completing my doctorate, I was ready to have a child. But IVF didn’t exist back then.”

When in-vitro fertilization became available in Romania, Adriana was 57. Despite therapy, her first pregnancy in 2000 ended in miscarriage.

Her desire to become a mother caused many to turn their backs on her, deeming her actions immoral. But Adriana never gave up.


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