Mother Outraged by Teacher’s ‘Warning’ Note on 7-Year-Old Daughter’s Homework

Mother Outraged by Teacher’s ‘Warning’ Note on 7-Year-Old Daughter’s Homework

Seven-year-old Alyssa received a worksheet from her teacher with a note in red ink stating, “Stop writing your name in cursive. You have been warned several times.” This incident has sparked a debate. While teachers deserve respect, preventing Alyssa from practicing cursive seems unfair. Learning cursive, even if not emphasized in all schools, is a valuable skill that requires focus and practice. Alyssa’s efforts should be encouraged, not criticized.

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Cursive writing helps kids develop focus and dedication, which should be supported. Teachers should offer positive feedback and praise to students who attempt to learn cursive, rather than negative notes.

Cursive writing helps children develop focus and dedication, which should be encouraged. Rather than sending negative notes, teachers should provide constructive feedback and praise to students who are making an effort to learn this skill.

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