Meghan Markle faces setback as Major American Riviera Orchard request gets denied

Meghan Markle franted 3 months to address USPTO’s nonfinal action on Orchard request

September 03, 2024

Meghan Markle allegedly pulls Prince Harry in her bag

Meghan Markle’s new lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, has encountered a significant hurdle after her U.S. trademark application was rejected.

The Duchess of Sussex now faces a three-month deadline to address the “nonfinal officer action” issued by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Failure to respond within this timeframe could result in the abandonment of her application. Adding to the challenge,

She was informed that she must pay an additional $700 (£532) due to an initial fee oversight if she wishes to move forward with her trademark bid.

In a detailed 48-page document, USPTO officials outlined the reasons behind the rejection, shedding light on the obstacles she must overcome to secure her brand’s trademark.

The USPTO’s 48-page review highlighted several hurdles: Meghan must amend the identification of goods, address a multiple-class application requirement, and disclaim the descriptive wording of “Riviera.”

Additionally, the application faced scrutiny for being geographically descriptive, potentially limiting others’ ability to use similar terms for their products.

The application also stumbled over overly broad product descriptions, which included items such as “cocktail napkins,” “pans,” and various cooking utensils like strainers, spoons, and spatulas.

A U.S. source told the Express: “The trademark acquisition process is extremely rigorous.

Given the complexities, it’s not surprising Meghan’s application faced challenges.

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