My Blood Sugar Is Normal Again

I was diagnosed with diabetes back in 2018. Back then I was about 232 pounds and wore a size 44 pants. In addition to being a little heavier, I was also drinking a lot. I would work, and then go home and drink. Of course, when you start drinking, you get hungry — then you’re going to Jack-in-the-Box late at night and eating tacos and all that stuff.

I was drinking Mountain Dews to stay awake because I worked the graveyard shift. I didn’t realize that the more sugar I put in, the more I was just hurting myself. So I’d drink Mountain Dew and 10 minutes later, I’d go to the bathroom. Then I’d get thirsty and I’d drink some more, and it was a continuous cycle. What got my attention was the time I went to the restroom and urinated blood. I was like, Whoa, something’s the matter.

Click Here To Learn More About How Did I Get My Glucose Levels Normal

I went to the doctor and then I was taken to the hospital. I found out that my blood sugar was over 800 mg/dl. (Blood sugar levels are usually in the 70–140 mg/dl range.) It was the highest blood sugar level the doctors had seen in a long time. I was scared. I didn’t know what to do. My eyesight was kind of blurry and there was just a lot going on.

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