Monica Bellucci stars in SPECTRE tonight: Her HOTTEST scenes and pics

MONICA BELLUCCI has been an international sex symbol for over thirty years and shows no signs of stopping. She sizzles in scenes from James Bond to racey Italian cinema.

Bellucci is setting fire to the small screen again tonight with another showing of the most recent OO7 outing on ITV, which is a reminder of just how sensational she is.

The woman can’t even appear at an awards ceremony without raising the temperature through the roof.

Just watch the way she kisses her co-host, Alex Lutz, at the opening ceremony of the 2017 Cannes Film Festival. It’s amazing he was still standing by the end.

Bellucci leaves millions of men and women aroudn the world in need of a good lie down and this selection of some of her sexiest moments (and one sexy and incredibly silly one) shows why.

We have to start with this one because it is so insane. It has to be seen to be believed. Even the outrageous Monica must have been thinking about her pay cheque to get through it but she fully commits, as always.

This scene features two of the sexiest people ever in cinema, but not even the addition of Clive Owen can save this dire moment when a rampant sex session is interrupted by a squad of assassins.

The plucky pair carry on shagging as Clive fires with both barrels (of his pistol) and then ends it with possibly the worst line ever after killing the final gunman: “Talk about shooting your load.

Bellucci became the oldest Bond girl in his history in the most recent movie in the franchise. Sra Lucia proved that age is no barrier to sexiness and looked ready to eat strapping Daniel Craig alive. This screen siren had a licence to thrill that would put women half her age to shame.


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