My Favorite Girl Scout Cookies in 2024, Ranked Worst to Best

You don’t have to agree with me, but there’s definitely a clear winner. Can you guess which one?

We’re in the middle of Girl Scout cookie season, and if you’re a fan of these treats that only come around once a year, you’ve likely already splurged on a few boxes. This season, there are 12 flavors available to buy — the newest flavor, Raspberry Rally, was discontinued. I’ve tried all of the cookies below, and yes, I have a favorite.

Before you read my rankings, know that I don’t like extra crunchy or hard cookies. When I was a teenager, I took a bite out of a hard cookie and it broke my permanent retainer loose… so now I don’t trust them and it may have (definitely has) affected some of my decision making.

Also note that this is nonscientific testing based solely on my opinion. I’m not an experienced food critic, I just like trying new cookies and riling up my family and colleagues who don’t have the same opinion as me about which cookie is best. Here’s how I ranked all 12 cookies and why. Looking for Girl Scout cookies near you? Here’s how to find them.

12. Toffee-Tastic

This is the only one I couldn’t swallow. After biting into the hard, gluten-free cookie and letting it dissolve a bit, it felt like I had just eaten a spoonful of sand. And it didn’t get any better from there: The toffee bits tasted more like a mediocre caramel and the cookie smelled like actual dirt.

Toffee-Tastic is a very hard cookie, similar to biscotti. It might taste better if dipped into tea or coffee. The cookie was so hard that I conducted a “drop test” over a concrete sidewalk to see what it would take to break it. After four attempts and a toss, it finally broke clean in half.

Needless to say, I don’t recommend this cookie.


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